POLICE have been working with children at St David's Primary School, in Moreton-in-Marsh, to help tackle dangerous parking.

A poster competition was set up to raise awareness to parents about parking dangerously outside the school and on zig zag lines.

The posters will be displayed on lamp posts outside the school and provided to parents for advice Children from all year groups submitted their poster designs and PC Alison Palfrey, of the Cotswolds local policing team, chose a winner.

Competition winner Tilly Minett was presented with a certificate by Sgt Rich Payne during a presentation at the school on Wednesday, July 20.

Darren Honour from Moreton-in-Marsh’s Budgens store also attended to support the campaign and provide prizes.

PC Alison Palfrey said: “This was a little venture the children thought of and started up themselves to help tackle the problem of dangerous and inconsiderate parking outside their school. It is reassuring to know that children of such a young age are aware of road safety.

“It was a very tricky decision choosing just one winner from 36 fabulous posters. I hope the advice portrayed in the posters makes parents think twice about where they park their car during school hours.”