RESIDENTS in the Ampneys are being urged to be more vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police after a spate of ladder burglaries in the area.

An increase in incidents around Ampney Crucis, Down Ampney, Ampney St Mary and Ampney St Peter has led police to believe a group travelling across the region and carefully selecting targets.

Victims usually have ladders taken from their shed by the offenders who then break into the first floor.

Police are holding a meeting this week for all residents of the Ampneys to discuss their concerns and free samples of the Smartwater property tagging system and free shed alarms.

Inspector Steve Williams of Cirencester police said: "Whoever is doing this is going out and doing recces to work out the high value properties in the area and when the occupiers are in.

"We are trying to increase awareness. The message is please come to this meeting if you are part of the community."

Neighbourhood watch co-ordinators, crime reduction officers, and Cirencester Safer Community Team will all be represented at the meeting which is being held at the Ampney Crucis Village Hall on Monday April 30 at 7pm.