CRICKLADE has a new line of defence if there is an emergency in the area.

The town’s council has purchased emergency kits, evacuation packs and two-way radios after receiving a grant of more than £1500 from Southern Electric Power Distribution’s new Resilient Communities Fund.

Emergency kits will bolster Cricklade’s existing emergency plan, which is designed to help the community respond to an emergency such as flooding or storms affecting the town’s electricity supply, and will enable its 17 emergency volunteers to assist the local community in a crisis.

Tina Jones, clerk to the town council explained that the new kits will benefit the residents, businesses and schools in the town.

She said: “Like many communities, Cricklade has a Community Resilience Plan which details how the town would respond in an emergency event, like a flood. We have a bank of volunteers who have been recruited to help out in these situations, and these emergency grab bags, evacuation packs and radios will better enable them to support local people whilst working in high pressure and highly emotional conditions.”

Stuart Hogarth, director of distribution for Southern Electric Power Distribution said: “It’s fantastic to see Cricklade Town Council receive this money and put it to good use in a way that will benefit everybody in the town. Big businesses can play a significant role in supporting communities during times of crisis, and I’m pleased that in setting up this fund we’ve been able to help many towns and villages like Cricklade cope in emergency situations like floods and storms.”

The Resilient Communities Fund is designed to help local not-for-profit organisations help towns and villages deal with severe weather, emergency situations and major incidents.