MORE than 200 people turned up to view ideas and take part in workshops during a neighbourhood plan event in Lechlade.

The town council invited members of the community to view all the work which had so far been done on the plan and urged them to leave comments and feedback.

Lechlade town and district councillor Sue Coakley said the mood felt very positive over the weekend. Residents were free to walk around and look at the plans, as well as sit in on workshops and hear how the neighbourhood plan would work for the area.

"We received some really lovely comments," said Cllr Coakley. "There was an excellent presentation by planning consultant Ben Hamilton-Baille, which 40 people went to, on shared space. It was lovely how everything fitted in together."

The event took place at the town's Memorial Hall over the weekend, giving residents the freedom to pop in and out as they wished.

"Our idea is to reclaim the town for the people and not the traffic," continued Cllr Coakley. "We want Lechlade to be a shared space for pedestrians and traffic."