MOORE Friends in Bourton-on-the-Water has put £150,000 towards the community centre project currently in progress.

This substantial grant from the Friends allows the project to keep going ahead without the parish council having to borrow any money.

“This means we can do things in a nicer fashion now,” said Chairman Bryan Sumner, after he delivered the good news in the last council meeting. “We can make the centre a pleasant place to work in and enjoy. Thank you to the Friends.”

Moore Friends is named after George Moore, a local benefactor who died in 1927. He contributed hugely to the village, with his trust funding the village cricket field, Victoria Hall and the newly opened George Moore Community Clinic.

The Chairman also reported that the layout for the centre was just about finalised and that the application for planning permission had been sent to Cotswold District Council.

“We’re rushing along as fast as we can and it looks like it will happen this year,” he continued.

A public meeting was held on Monday, January 13 where members of the community attended a meeting to hear more about the project. Keep checking our website for a full update on the community centre project.