Victims and offenders who have used Restorative Justice in both Cheltenham and the Cotswolds will be explaining how the process worked for them, and can work for others too, at a special conference to mark the roll out of Restorative Justice across the rest of Gloucestershire.

The conference is being organised by Restorative Gloucestershire (a partnership that includes Gloucestershire Constabulary, Victim Support and local councils) on Monday 16 September 2013 at the Pavillion, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham

Key speakers at the conference will include Gloucestershire Constabulary Assistant Chief Constable Sally Crook and Superintendent Tony Godwin, Police and Crime Commissioner Martin Surl, Trevor Watson of Restorative Solutions, Sara Hendry of Gloucester City Homes and Mark Scully of Gloucestershire Probation. They will all be talking about how they intend to make Restorative Justice work in this county - in active partnership with the public. Also attending the conference will be Victims' Commissioner Baroness Newlove and Assistant Chief Constable Gary Shewan of the Association of Chief Police Officers, who is the national lead on Restorative Justice.

Over the coming months, hundreds of officers from Gloucestershire Constabulary will be trained in how to use Restorative Justice, something clearly set out in the county's 2013-17 Police and Crime Plan.

Restorative Gloucestershire are also looking for volunteers to bring together people affected by crime or anti-social behaviour….and those who caused that harm. Volunteers will be asked to give their time to prepare for the meetings between victims and offenders by speaking with both parties first so they each know what to expect, increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

To help people learn more, Restorative Gloucestershire will be holding a special event after the conference has finished. The event is aimed at those interested in becoming a volunteer and will start at 6.00pm on Monday evening (16 September) at the same location (The Pavilion). There are still some places left for any member of the public to come along and find out more – anyone interested in attending is asked to contact Restorative Gloucestershire on 01242 276702 so a place at the evening event can be guaranteed.