A CAMPAIGNING mother whose son suffers from a rare heart condition is seeing red as part of a campaign to raise money for heart disease.

Gill Mackellar-Still has been fundraising for the British Heart Foundation (BHF) for several years is hoping people across the Cotswolds will dress up in all manner of red clothing as part of the BHF’s Rock it up in Red Day on Friday February 1.

The Cirencester Primary School administrator – whose 21 year old son James suffers from the rare condition Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome, meaning his heart beats too fast and sometimes irregularly – said she hoped businesses in the area would encourage their employees to get involved.

“People can do something quite simple or completely mad,” she said. “If people haven’t got any red clothes charity shops have always got loads.”

Gill will be putting her money where her mouth is next month and is assembling an entirely red outfit.

“I’ve discovered there’s many more than 50 shades of red,” she said. “Not one of my red things matches at all.”

Anyone who would like to help with fundraising can contact Gill through Cirencester Primary School on 01285 658 5520.