IT MAY have been a commercial disaster in its day, but a small electronic trike is making a come back in Cirencester.

When driving instructor Mike Dunnaway bought a Sinclair C5 from auction website eBay for £200 four months ago, his plan was to do it up and sell it on for a profit.

But he said the 1985 model has become such a success with friends, family and his driving students that he’s considering using it as a teaching tool.

"Everyone wants to have a go," he said. "I’ve even had people flag me down and ask how much I want for it."

Created by computer millionaire Sir Clive Sinclair, the battery powered vehicle was panned by critics in its day for being unsafe and only around 12,000 models were ever made.

At only 2ft 6ins high and a top speed of around 20mph, the tiny trike is dwarfed by other road vehicles and can be driven by anyone aged 14and over with no driving licence necessary.

Mike, who runs Phoenix Driving with his wife Rebecca, said: "I can see why they didn’t take off, but it’s a great pile of fun."