WOODCHESTER Mansion is re-opening for the 2017 season with a special literary trail.

Literature lovers can enjoy the new online trail from Saturday, April 1.

The trail has been launched by the Historic Houses Association and includes Woodchester Mansion among more than 40 UK properties with links to famous writers, books and plays.

Woodchester Mansion is connected to Evelyn Waugh, whose famous satire Scoop was published only a month before he gave a talk at the Mansion in 1938.

The Grade I Listed building was inexplicably abandoned mid-construction in 1873 and so offers a unique view of its Victorian builders’ crafts including many high quality stone carvings.

Woodchester Mansion will be open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, and Bank Holiday Mondays. 

For more information go to woochestermansion.org.uk