The following gardens are open for the National Gardens Scheme:


Saturday, February 13

  • Snowshill Manor & Garden, Broadway. Delightful hillside garden surrounding beautiful Cotswold manor, designed in Arts & Crafts style. Garden consists of a series of contrasting outdoor rooms.

Simple, colourful plantings tumble and scramble down the terraces and around byres and ponds.

Enjoy produce from kitchen garden in the Tea Room. Lunches, snacks and cream teas.

Open 2-4pm. Admission £3.50, children free.

Sunday, February 14


  • Snowshill Manor & Garden, Broadway. As above
  • Trench Hill, Sheepscombe. Approx three acres set in small woodland with panoramic views.

Variety of herbaceous and mixed borders, rose garden, extensive vegetable plots, wild flower areas, plantings of spring bulbs with thousands of snowdrops and hellebores, woodland walk, two small ponds, waterfall and larger conservation pond. Interesting wooden sculptures, many within the garden.

Run on organic principles.

Home-made teas.

Open 11am-5pm. Admission £4, children free.