Charity Valuation Events - Save the Date

Lechlade Extravangaza - May 20 - 10am - 12.30pm

Moore Allen & Innocent Offices, Knockdown - May 24 - 2pm - 6pm

Philip Allwood and Piers Critchlow will be on hand to offer you valuations on any items you wish to bring in - you might discover you have hidden treasure as the vendors of the William De Morgan glazed pottery tiles above did late last year. The tiles were set to be placed in the garden but sold at auction for over £11,000 - so hunt out your undiscovered items, you never know the same could happen to you!

Donations to the nominated charities will be taken for any valuations. At Lechlade the nominated charity is the reconstruction of the Memorial Village Hall which was burnt down in 2016 and in Knockdown the event will support the Wiltshire Air Ambulance campaign to raise funds to build a custom-built new airbase bringing together the helicopter, aircrew and charity team onto one site.