WORK to fix a “nightmare” partial closure of a roundabout in Cirencester should be finished in four weeks time.

Part of the Kings Meadow Roundabout in Cirencester first closed in March to investigate water coming out of the middle of the roundabout.

And motorists say travelling around the town has turned into a nightmare – especially during rush hour.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Joe Harris, who represents Cirencester Beeches at Gloucestershire County Council, has voiced his frustration over the partial closure of the roundabout also known as Tesco roundabout.

He welcomes the plans to fix the road but says residents are sceptical that highways will able to stick to the four week timetable.

Cllr Harris has set up a petition to keep up the pressure on Gloucestershire County Council to fix the road within a month.

“Traversing the roads of Cirencester has turned into a nightmare lately, especially during rush hour due to the partial closure of the Tesco roundabout,” he said.

“The chaos reached its peak during Easter when a major utility company decided to undertake works in the town centre, resulting in an excruciatingly long journey through the town that took me over an hour.

“While it’s welcome that Gloucestershire County Council now has a plan to fix the road I’ve been told that it’s going to take another month to repair, many residents I represent are sceptical that they’ll be able to stick to this timetable.

“The County Council’s communication with the public has been severely lacking, and I can’t recall hearing any public comments from the cabinet member for highways.

“While our Highways operatives do an admirable job, they are being let down by the Conservative administration at Gloucestershire County Council.

“Their mismanagement has led to poorly negotiated contracts, evident in the shambolic scenes of road closures as well as all the potholes in the county’s roads.

“I’ve set up this petition with colleagues to keep the County Council honest on their promise to fix this road within a month and hope as many people will sign as possible.”

Highways chiefs at Shire Hall have apologised for the inconvenience caused and say construction works have got under way this week. They expert the work to be completed and for teams to be off-site by the middle of June.

Daniel Tiffney, deputy area highways manager for GCC, said: “Construction works on the site have got under way this week, following extensive investigations and assessment of the area to identify the repairs needed.

“We anticipate the work will take four weeks to complete so we hope to be off-site by mid-June.

"A section of the roundabout will remain closed until the repairs are complete and we apologise for any inconvenience.”